BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20150413T161742Z CREATED:20110322T113056Z UID:ATEvent-ceea7dbc55a06dcad8d3f95d833362df LAST-MODIFIED:20110322T113101Z SUMMARY:Modelling and Microbiology DTSTART:20110703T230000Z DTEND:20110706T230000Z DESCRIPTION:The potential contribution that computational and theoreti cal modelling can make to our understanding of biological systems is e normous. This meeting will highlight recent advances in modelling micr obiological systems. As well as their well-known potential for causing disease\, microbes are crucial for the functioning of the Earth's bio geochemical cycles and are essential for many industrial processes suc h as fermentation and waste water treatment. Microbes are also an idea l starting point for understanding how biological processes work in hi gher organisms\, populations and ecosystems. During 2010-2011\, our e- science institute-funded theme ’Modelling and Microbiology’ has ex plored the potential for productive interactions between modellers and microbiologists in the key areas of stochasticity in microbial infect ion\, microbial evolution and microbial metabolism. This meeting will bring together these themes and suggest future directions. LOCATION:e-Science Institute\, 15 South College Street\, Edinburgh URL: CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR